Thursday, November 11, 2010

Owen- The Crib transition- Day 3

As Monday night didn't go too well, we decided we would go back to the crib for night 3. We realized he was scared of his comfort zone being taken apart, so we wanted to make life go "back to normal" for him.

One happy camper!!!

Or so we thought... He instantly climbed out of bed and layed on the floor. We had a comforter on the floor and a pillow in case he had fallen out of bed. Well- that is where he wanted to be. So- we let him fall asleep on the floor and I scooped him up and put him in his crib about 9:45pm. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh no Shannon! The poor little guy is not sure what to do! I am sure it will take a few days for him to get used to his new arrangement. I love how you are documenting this, you will look back on this whole thing and laugh in a few weeks I am sure!

