Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Our Summer Goals- where are we now

So far, so good on completing items off of our summer goals list. There are some really simple ones we haven't done yet, walks for example. But every time we start, the kids see their friends and don't want to keep going. Or the Muppet Movie? How hard is that to order on my netflix queue...but, I have a slight thing for Channing Tatum now and as soon as I return Act of Valor, The Vow is the next movie for me to see... so muppets will have to wait. But, I think we are doing ok seeing as though it is mid summer.
I think if you click on the image, it will bring it up bigger for easier viewing.


  1. What a fun list! I found you via the July blog hop and am happy to be your newest follower! I'd love a visit back at! :)

  2. Your list looks fun!!!!

    Newest follower from July's blog hop! Love for you to stop by Naptime Review and return the follow. Hosting Mom's Monday Mingle now. Love for you to link up. Last week we hit 200! Love to have you!

  3. Aw, Happy Anniversary! Beautiful pictures! I am your newest follower!
