Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thank you Pinterest- Teacher Gifts

I searched all over pinterest this year for a gift I could give Owen's pre-school teachers for the end of the year. I tend to get the teachers a gift card of sorts once Quinlin graduates their classrooms, as it is too expensive to do both for all of the teachers between the two of them (about 8 total). So, when Owen started graduating classrooms, I didn't do much and when Quinlin would graduate, I would include a card thanking them for their love of both Owen and Quinlin.

This was the first end of a school year though, as Owen has graduated from 3's pre-school. He will stay with one teacher through the summer (regular daycare) and his main teacher will work in the office on lesson plans for the following school year. So I wanted to do a little something to show my appreciation. In my search, I found an easy thank you gift that I hope they will love.

Thank you to 2 silly monkeys blog for the idea and printables!

I purchased two mason jars, 3 bags of peanut m&m's and ribbon. And the jars were on sale for $1. Score!

 The ribbon- that looks like m&m's

The notes to attach. I love what it said: Green is for the inspiration you give each day. Blue is for the patience in showing kids the way. Orange is for your warmth and caring style. Yellow is for the way you make everybody smile. Red is for all the lives you've touched this year.

I filled the jars, and realized 3 bags weren't enough. :(

 So I found more m&m's and completed the filling process. Then I just added the ribbon and voila- they are done!

I just love how they turned out. I included Owen's last name on the cards since there were two Owen's in his class, otherwise, I would have taken a better picture of the finished project.

Yay pinterest!

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