Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Quinlin's turn at the dentist

Sean had a dentist appointment yesterday morning so we scheduled for Quinlin to go as well. After the success Owen had, we thought she'd be the perfect age to start (though felt bad when the dentist said he likes to start seeing patients at age 1). So, we brought Quinlin in and she sat and watched as daddy got "his teeth tickled". She was so interested. Kept watching, asking questions, was extremely interested. That is, until she saw all the Ohio State trinkets to play with! She could care less about daddy, just wanted to play with Brutus the Buckeye and wear buckeye necklaces.

Soon it was her turn. Necklaces still in tow, she sat on Sean's lap and leaned back into the lap of the dentist. And she did incredible. She let him count her teeth and look at her mouth and didn't make a peep! She is so calm in doctor's offices (like when she gave blood the other weekend didn't even cry at that). Love her!

She looks a little scared, but really did great. And walked out with a necklace as a souvenir. Happy girl!

1 comment:

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